Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA and most of you are busy preparing the meal. Rather than get into how to roast a turkey or make your special pie, I decided to post my favorite cake of all favorites. Yes, that is right--tada--Italian Cream Cake. I first had this cake last Christmas and fell madly in love with it. This says something as my mother's date and nut cake with whipped cream frosting was always the very best. It still is but now I must add another.
Anyway the picture above says it all. Not sure where I picked up the picture but that is what it should look like. It not only is delicious inside but the butter frosting adds to it. Someone told me I could order one from a bakery for $25. I believe it. I did a search on the internet and found the following sites to look over and pick one to do.
2. SOUTHERN FOOD-ABOUT.COM http://southernfood.about.com/od/coconutcakes/r/bln329.htm
3. HOME IS WHERE THE HOLMANS ARE http://homeiswheretheholmansare.blogspot.com/2010/06/italian-cream-cake.html
All the recipes are pretty much the same except Ree Drumond(PW) gives very detailed how-to directions and her frosting is delicious. Anyway this is what I am going to make for my guests for Christmas. Oh, I already am all set for Thanksgiving.
Have a happy Thanksgiving with family and friends.