Monday, September 1, 2008

Gustav passed us by!

Not alot going on today as we have been thru quite a weekend just waiting to see what Gustav was going to do. Being on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi it was just where is it going. Luckily where I live on the coast, we only got wind and rain but not flooding. Down around Gulfport it was not so good with Highway90 being flooded and further up Hwy49 bayous were overflowing causing much damage along with the wind. Anyway I am home, safe and sound and only need to go out tomorrow and pick up all the tree branches that dropped.
If you are still getting lots of squash and maybe your neighbors are still giving it to you from their gardens, here is a recipe you might want to look at for a good hot dish. put out a fine recipe to try.
BTW if anyone knows of a site for purchasing decaf coffee pods for my Senseo coffee maker, please let me know. Every now and then I would like a cup of coffee and I only drink decaf. Thanks.

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